Successful business negotiation depends on many factors and requires knowledge
of the multiple disciplines that a negotiator should master so that their negotiation activities
lead to positive results. In order to master the art of negotiation, it is necessary to know the
basic principles of communication studies -
an interdisciplin
ary science that has its roots in
the arts such as rhetoric, grammar, philosophy, psychology, linguistics etc. Today
communication studies link with psychoanalysis, neurology, computer science and
When communicating with other people, consciously or unconsciously, controlled
or spontaneously, along with words we use facial expressions, posture, gestures, spatial
and temporal situation in which we communicate, modulation of voice, style of dress, etc.,
all of which fall within the scope of non-ve
rbal communication. Non-
communication is often referred to as body language.
2. NON-
-verbal signals show thoughts and emotions, attitudes and traits. They also
support verbal communication or they are a substitute for it. Gestures reveal moods and
states, enabling us to express agreement or disagreement, acceptance or rejection.
Any gesture can be seen as a specific act that indicates an action, starting someone
or something. Most modern research in the field of Communication Studies shows that
verbal communication is crucial in the first contact. As much as 60% of a complete
impression when meeting (first impression) is formed on the basis of non-
communication. This moment is settled
in the domain of intuitive, unconscious.
Words are often the backbone of human communication, but words can often
deceive, mislead or hurt if the evidence is not properly and clearly formed, or is wrongly
decoded. If the meaning and content are not transmitted and perceived in a desired way, it
means that an error has occurred in the process of communication. Body language, then, is
the solution, i.e., the communication bridge. In many cases, non-
verbal signals are at an
advantage compared to the ver
bal ones, as they are prejudice free.
Every speaker’s aspiration is to harmonize the basic means of expression - voice,
gesture, speech, statement and posture. The gesture is sometimes used to supplement,
explain or illustrate the text. On the other hand,
the movement can be in contradiction with
Volume 2/ Number 1/ 2013
the text –
as a sign that expresses a deliberate, targeted contradiction. The relationship
between a gesture and a text can be seen in mutual conjunction of several ways:
When the text is dominant, content and voice constants show all the speaker's
intentions. The gesture is reduced, minimal, expressed through the motions of
seeing and mime;
The gesture complements, highlights the text, that is, the purpose is to supplement
and interpret;
The gesture only follows the emphasized parts of speech, the focus of the
argument. The attention of a listener is drawn to the most important place in the
speech. The movement acts as a figure of gradation and the voice constant loudness
may be accompanied by energetic gestures
The movement is emphasized, especially manual gestures. The function of gesture
is explanation, not a personal crutch, but a deliberate gesture.
Sudden, unexpected, spontaneous movement acts as a moment of deceived
expectations, as an improvisation in a place of speech in which it is least expected.
The movement can be quick, abrupt. The essential argument is usually emphasizes
by movements such as standing up, walking, moving from one place to another,
Disciplined action is actually part of prepara
tion and strategy for a show. These are
the movements of the whole body, that is, the body language.
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